Friday, February 24, 2012

However, the cessation of production at

Class of chemicals widely used in production can affect the overall efficiency of the vaccine. Perfluorinated compounds (PFCs) BЂ "organic compounds containing fluorine BЂ" is used in food packaging and industrial production. They can be found in many animals, including humans. A study conducted in

Journal of the American Medical Association. This led to a decrease in response may mean that PFC damage the immune system, says Philip Hrandzhin, environmental epidemiologist at Harvard School of Public Health in Boston, Massachusetts, and lead author of the article. Previous studies, his team showed that another widely used class of compounds, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) are often associated with immune injury. BЂњWe thought it was bad, but because in the PFC was much stronger than we've seen for PCB BЂ "says Hrandzhin, who also works at the University of the South of Denmark in Odense. BЂњItBЂ ™ most likely it will be a program that is going to stay with these children throughout their lives.

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Dori Germolec, an immunologist with the American National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences in Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, said that the PFC is known to affect the immune system of mice. BЂњThe data in this article are in line with what was published in laboratory animal literature over the past few years, BЂ, "she says. BЂњThese immunosuppressive compounds. BЂ "

GrandjeanBЂ ™ team gathered their data in the Faroe Islands, studying 587 children born at the National Hospital in Ttsirshavn 1999BЂ" 2001. Researchers measured the levels of PFCs in maternal serum collected during pregnancy to assess the impact of prenatal and postnatal measured by analyzing the level of PFCs in blood taken from children under five years. They then compared these data with children immune response to tetanus and diphtheria vaccine at the age of five to seven years. Doubling the basic PFC levels in five-year-old child was associated with a 50% decrease in the concentration of antibodies to tetanus and diphtheria at the age of seven years. Doubling the concentration of two specific PFC BЂ "perfluorooctanesulfonic acid (PFOS) and perftorokaprilovoy acid (PFOA) BЂ" was found to triple the risk seven-year-old child who has very few antibodies to protect against disease. PFOS and PFOA have stopped one industrial manufacturers: 3M in St. Paul, Minnesota. However, the cessation of production at this time does not reduce risk immediately because PFCs are stored in the environment for a long time. Margie Peden-Adams, toxicologist at the University of Nevada in Las Vegas, said that work Hrandzhin adds to evidence that may be communication between the PFC and the suppression of immunity in humans. The next step, she said, will repeat the experiments in other populations, testing whether the effect is unique to the Faeroe Islands, which determines the risk from exposure to different tracks and the opening of how chemicals affect the immune system .. Many chemicals that are now causing health problems accumulate in marine animals, and the Faroe Islands population eats lots of fish. However, the level of PFCs in the blood of the Faroe people do not actually higher than that of people in the United States, England and of Denmark. Because PFCs are used in textiles and food packaging, food contaminated seafood is probably not the only way to influence. The team Hrandzhin received a grant from the U.S. National Institutes of Health to continue its work and look for another cohort of the Faroe children. The researchers also plan to investigate children in Greenland lasix 40 mg daily. The results add concerns about different types of chemicals used in manufacturing and food. Research communications flame retardants and plastic chemical bisphenol A production of health problems (see "

") caused loud public scare. Hrandzhin says that the way chemicals are monitored and regulated to be revised. BЂњThere hasnBЂ ™ t been enough pressure to make the development toxicity of priority BЂ, "he says. BЂњThis is much more serious problem. BЂ. "

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